Alphascape V4.0


Minimum HP: 50k for magic types, 54k for physical types.

These are minimums, more is always welcome.

Comfy HP: 52k for magic types, 56k for physical types.

Raid DPS: 38-39k

We're following Fennek's guide mostly, with some alterations that are detailed below. Mizzteq's video guide to the left resembles Fennek's strat in most places, if you want to follow a video. Most alterations to Fennek's guide come from either Mizzteq's guide or the Balance guide.

Superliminal Fire Positions

Groups and Positions

M-group: Ahmed, H2, D1, R3.

F-group: Tali, H1, D2, R4.

Quadrant Spread (Same as fire spots, but cardinals counter-clockwise)

  • NW: Current Female Tank + R3

  • NE: H1 + R4

  • SW: D1 + H2

  • SE: D2 + Current Male Tank

(Synthetic) Fire Spread (Shaker Spots from V2)

  • N: Current Female Tank

  • NE: R4

  • E: H1

  • SE: D2

  • S: Current Male Tank

  • SW: D1

  • W: H2

  • NW: R3

First Phase

  1. Pull Boss to the Far East side of the arena, the B marker. Face it North-East

  2. For Beyond Defense: Spread to assigned positions, without getting hit by the Eye's line AoE. MT North-East, OT South-West, Shiroe South-East, Know North-West. The healers and ranged take North and South out of melee positions, Tymo+Snuggle North, Mari+Gust South.

  3. Immediately after Beyond Defense hits: Everyone, except for the person that got hit, stacks at the butt of the boss.

  4. The Eye moves now and the boss turns Female. Prepare for knockback.

  5. Pull the boss center after knockback and face it towards the eye.

  6. When the safe cone appears: pre-position in the cone to be able to spread afterwards for Fire. See picture above.

  7. The boss will turn to liquid again and 2 stackmarkers appear. Male group goes opposite the Eye, Female group goes one quarter clockwise from the Male group (Left when facing the Eye). See picture to the right.

  8. After the stacks resolve: everyone to the female to prepare for knockback.

  9. After knockback, each group goes to their assigned boss.

Twin Electric Slide

Slides Phase

  1. Depending on the type of resonance (there will be a call-out), the boss that is opposite the Eye needs to be taken to the other boss, or opposite. Both bosses should face outwards.

  2. Fundamental Synergy will put triangles and squares with numbers 1 through 4 on player's heads. 1s and 3s numbers move to the opposite side of the arena from where their boss is currently. 2s and 4s numbers stay near their current boss.

  3. 3s and 4s stand behind the 1s and 2s. 1s and 2s stand a little bit seperated from each other, not entirely on the edge of the arena to make room for the 3s and 4s (see visual on the right). The Squares are in line with the marker, the Triangles are slightly further from the eye.

  4. Once the 1s get hit, they swap with the 3s of the same shape (triangle or square).

  5. Once the 2s get hit, they swap with the 4s of the same shape.

  6. After the raidwides and the tankbusters: Take Omega-F to the middle, facing True-North, and Omega-M to the South-East of her.

All of the above is neatly summarised by the two visuals for Fundamental Synergy on the left.

Synthetic Phase

Make sure the Female is in the centre facing True-North (on 2 facing 1) and the Male is to the South East of her.

Now either Synthetic Blades or Synthetic Shield will be cast, which indicates which series of attacks is going to come next. These two patterns are described fully by the two GIFs provided to the right here.

Shield pattern: Quadrant Spread and Fire Spread positions from above are needed.

Blades pattern: Fire Spread positions from above are needed.

Synthetic Shield Pattern
Synthetic Blades Pattern

Mirror Phases

When Firewall is cast, the groups need to swap Bosses soon. After the cast is completed and after the debuffs change, the tanks need to establish aggro on their new Boss. They can provoke during the Firewall cast, but other abilities will not work until after the debuffs have changed.

Second Slide Phase

If in the first slide phase the bosses were separated, they should now be close together. If they were close together in the previous slide phase, they should now be separated.

  1. After Firewall, Tali puts the Male to the left of the Eye.

  2. Ahmed takes the Female left (if together) or right (if separated) of the Eye, depending on Resonance.

  3. Handle Slides as usual, with Ahmed's group in line with the markers and Tali's group further from the Eye, as before.

Second Synthetic Phase

  1. Ahmed takes the Female to the centre, facing true North.

  2. Tali takes the Male South-East of the Female, facing out.

  3. Now handle the Synthetic Pattern that did not happen in the previous Synthetic Phase.

  4. Gather centre and prepare for double Laser Shower after the synthetic Pattern.

First Optimized Mechanic
Second Optimized Mechanic

Optimized Phase

The non-cheese method of handling the mechanics is given below, along with the pictures on the left.

  1. After the second Synthetic Pattern, a double Laser Shower is cast.

  2. After the double Laser Shower, move both bosses to the left of the eye, approximately as pictured.

  3. As Suppression is cast, both tanks should ready to Sprint to the opposite side of the arena, if they get the Flare mark.

  4. The tank with the Flare mark Sprints to the opposite side of the arena. The other tank faces the Male approximately towards the Eye, as pictured, while staying slightly in the hitbox of the Male. The party should stay on the opposite side of the bosses, as pictured.

  5. After the Flare and Arrows have gone off, the away-tank comes back for heavy healing and shields for Cosmo Memory.

  6. 5 seconds after the double Laser Shower after Cosmo Memory, Ahmed casts Ultimatum on both bosses, while Tali stops attacking.

  7. Ahmed takes both Tank Busters with Holmgang. Tali takes back her boss during the cast.

  8. After the buster, move both bosses to the left of the new position of the Eye.

  9. Repeat 3-5. Be sure to take the Male a bit further from the Eye.

  10. 5 seconds after the double Laser Shower after Cosmo Memory, Tali casts Ultimatum on both bosses, while Ahmed stops attacking.

  11. Tali takes both Tank Busters with Living Dead. Ahmed takes back his boss during the cast.

  12. The next Cosmo Memory cast is Enrage.

Role Specific Tips


  • Pull the boss to the east side of the arena to start. There is not a lot of tank damage in the beginning, so rotate cooldowns for autoattacks and AoE damage as necessary.

  • Make sure you always know where the eye is so you can position the boss(es) accordingly.

  • After being knocked back by Discharger, you can jump back to the boss (DRK Plunge/WAR Onslaught/PLD Tempered Will) and walk them to the middle or simply let the boss come to you.

  • The MT should immediately move to the front of the boss after Advanced Suppression goes off to not clip the other melee.

  • Prepare to pick up your boss immediately as it spawns after Electric Slide. Swap to tank stance and prepare to use an aggro combo, as they both spawn with fresh enmity tables.

  • It may be helpful for someone to call out Local or Remote Resonance for you - either another player or a trigger - so you can quickly position the boss. Do not position the boss at the edge, but rather close to the edge so that there is space between the boss and the edge. On the third ring to be exact (markers will be there too).

  • Save Sprint or a dash to get back to the boss if you are an odd number during Local Resonance. The boss will move slightly after Electric Slide (dash) finishes, and if you are still running the bosses will tether.

  • Stand at max melee range near the edge for Solar Ray and use appropriate mitigation.

  • Position the bosses afterwards correctly. Omega-F always should be facing True-North, in the centre. Omega-M should be South-East from her, but facing any direction.

  • Swap with each other once the second Firewall comes out. Position the boss opposite of what it was last time - if it was far last time, it will be close now, and if it was close now it’ll be far.

  • Position the bosses again correctly.

  • Use shields for Cosmo Memory and Reprisal Laser Shower.

  • One tank should take both bosses with Ultimatum and invuln the first Optimized Blade Dance. The other tank should take it back as it finishes casting.


  • The AoE damage in this fight, while not occuring at a high frequency, deals heavy damage. Spend extra AoE heals accordingly.

  • HoTs and oGCD heals should be able to cover the first Pile Pitch, Discharger, and Optimized Fire III.

  • Surecast can be used for Discharger to keep casting heals or damage.

  • Make sure you discuss with your co-healer where you are going for Electric Slide (stack). Shield and heal beforehand, but do not use HoTs as both bosses spawn with a new aggro table.

  • If it is Local Resonance, players will be at the opposite side of the room. Stay in the middle of the arena to make sure everyone is in range for heals.

  • It may be wise to have a healer stand in the centre during Optimized Fire III during Synthetic Shield phase so they can hit everyone with heals. This requires everyone else fan out slightly, but it is worth the uptime loss.

  • Save oGCD heals for periods of heavy movement during Operational Synergy mechanics. Keep HoTs rolling and mitigate accordingly.

  • The heavy healing part is in the last phase. Make sure all players are topped before Optimized Meteor and Optimized Sagittarius Arrow. Extremely heavy raidwide damage follows that, and then heavy raidwide damage, then heavy tank damage unless invulns are used. This happens twice, so make sure you have enough tools to deal with it.


  • Always try to be in range of heals, and don’t fan out too far for mechanics.

  • Know your assigned spots ahead of time to prevent confusion and AoE clipping.

  • Arms Length and Surecast are effective for keeping uptime during Discharger.

  • Use Diversion when the boss splits so you don’t get chunked by an auto. The enmity resets at that point, so enmity tools are extremely effective.

  • If you have to run to the opposite side for Fundamental Synergy, run back along the outside to get back to the boss faster.

  • If the bosses are positioned correctly during Operational Synergy, there should only be a few disconnects and little uptime loss. You can attack the other boss to keep your combo and gauges flowing, however it will deal zero damage.

  • It does not matter which DPS does melee LB3. Once one boss reaches 1 HP, Packet Filter will fade, allowing one group to attack the other boss.



Fennek Fox for his text guide and visuals.

Mizzteq for her video guide.

The Balance for their Role Specific Tips and strategy inspirations.

u/Syldris for their Timeline graphic.