Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle
Hesperos, Part 2
Fight Length: 7:05
rDPS Requirement: ~48,000
T1: Ahmed H1: Marielle M1: Tali R1: Gust
T2: Tymo H2: Kali M2: Shiroe R2: Yuki
Akanthai: Act 1
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Akanthai: Act 2
Dark: Large AoE when popped.
Fire: Stack, should be shared by 3.
Wind: Lethal when popped.
Tank buster. Invuln.
Spread out in rough proteans.
Dark T/H break tether first while the rest stays in the middle.
Everyone drops AoEs.
T/H fire needs to be broken next. Everyone moves as shown.
DPS fire needs to be broken next, move as shown.
Akanthai: Act 3
2 sets of 4 thorns representing towers spawn in the East and West. One thorn in the center of the arena represents a knockback.
The boss will tether the 4 East or the 4 West towers first, then the middle, then the other set of 4.
Kick: Boss jumps to the furthest player and knocks back everyone who is too close to that player. Tank baits it to the second set of towers while the rest stays away from that tank.
After the jump:
H+RDPS: Take first set of towers. From North to South: R1, R2, H2, H1
T+MDPS: MT goes into the arena, max-melee to dodge Earthshakers. M1 baits shaker North, R2 MidOut, and OT South
After shakers, everyone should use knockback prevention.
R2 stays in their tower while H+R1 move away from R2 because they will be jump-kicked next.
T+MDPS can move into their assigned towers.
After the jump, R2 moves into the arena, out of the hitbox, to dodge shakers. R1, H2, H1 bait shakers North, MidOut, and South, respectively.
Akanthai: Act 4
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Akanthai: Finale
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Akanthai: Curtain Call
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