Eden's Verse: Fulmination


Fight Length: 10:55-10:57

rDPS requirement: 83,700-84,000


T1: Ahmed H1: Marielle M1: Tannie R1: Gust

T2: Tali H2: Tymo M2: Yuki R2: Shiroe

Stormcloud Summons

A: R1 B: H2 C: R2 D: H1 -> North: MT East: OT South: M2 West: M1

Fury Fourteen

From North to South (always): OT, M1, M2, R1, R2, H1, H2.

Phase 1

  1. Judgement Volts.

  2. Stratosphere Summons: go to the safe corner, which is the one with the smaller staff.

  3. Everyone pick up 1 orb. OT picks up 3.

  4. MT gets a TB from the boss, the OT from the add. Boss's TB can be Feinted (it's physical).

  5. After or during the TB, everyone should pre-position for Stormcloud Summons.

    1. Ranged and healers stand on their assigned waymarks to bait the clouds. The rest should stay in melee range at their assigned cardinals, with one orb charge ready.

    2. Ranged and healers can move away from their waymark and the boss as soon as their purple marker has fully disappeared.

    3. Once they see the ranged and healers moving, the tanks and melee will move counter-clockwise into a cloud and get hit once, then move back.

  6. Levinforce: Use knockback prevention.

Tribunal Summons: Just behind blue line when add is charged. Just behind red otherwise.
  1. Tribunal Summons: We'll always go for knockback towards East. Watch the middle lane add and have 1 orb charge.

    • If it is charged, stand just behind the Blue line in the image.

    • If it doesn't have charge orbs around it: stand just behind the Red line in the image.

  2. Crippling Blow.

  3. Judgement Volts (normal). Everyone picks up an orb after this cast. OT picks up 3 again to handle the Raiden add whenever it spawns.

  4. Thunderstorm: Just don't get hit. Ranged and healers stay out of melee to give melee and tanks the option to dodge everything without having to disengage.

  5. Stepped Leader: everyone except for tanks stack on M1. Move when the castbar is almost done (past 4/5). Tanks should also move out at that time, but don't need to be stacked (MT North, OT kiting Raiden), so the rest needs to not dodge to where the tanks are/were.

Phase 2

Phase 3

More of the same, but faster.


  • Try to keep Ramuh’s positioning consistent for mechanics such as Thunderstorm, Stormcloud Summons, and Chain Lightning.

  • Mitigate Crippling Blow properly - it deals moderate damage, so one or two cooldowns is enough.

  • Use other cooldowns for periods with heavy autoattack damage.

  • Use invulnerabilities or mitigate heavily for Centaur’s Charge. As there are two, each tank can use one invulnerability once, or one invulnerability and one heavily mitigated if you do not want to swap positions for the knockback.

  • Use party shields for periods of heavy damage such as Thunderstorm. Reprisal every Judgment Volts if available.


  • The incoming damage to the party is not extremely high for this fight, but frequent: there is a lot of raidwide AoEs so plan healing accordingly.

  • Use heavy mitigation for high damage parts, such as Chain Lightning and Centaur’s Charge.

  • There are many Crippling Blows on the MT, as well as a few OT tank busters at the same time. Make sure you top up the tank so they don’t die to autoattacks.

  • Make sure the tank taking Centaur’s Charge is topped if they aren’t using an invulnerability.


  • Apart from the Judgment Jolt at the beginning and Centaur’s Charge, this is a full uptime fight for melee if Stormcloud Summons are placed properly for them. Ranged can hit the boss the entire fight.

  • Help mitigate accordingly - Feint for Crippling Blow and Addle and ranged mitigations for raidwides.

  • Wip literally just dps my lads check is a joke



/waymark preset 2

/p   

/p ■ → Chained Light ■ → Stormclouds

/p | s | ☻  ☻ 

/p | |  

/p |    | 

/p |   |  

/p | | ☻  ☻ 

/p ■ → Fury  ■

/p |  •  •  •  •  •  • 

/p |       

/p |  • M1• M2• R1• R2• H1• H2

/mk triangle <3>

The waymark preset number and triangle target depend on the player and their settings.

The triangle is to indicate the OT as an additional visual aid for when the OT is kiting the Raiden add.

Party Finder Description

Fury's 14: True North.

Chain Lightning: Triangles.