The Epic of Alexander

Phase 1: Living Liquid

1st Cascade

  1. Start tanking the boss in the middle of the arena, facing North.

  2. Fluid Swing is an untelegraphed tankbuster cleave on the MT. It gives a Water Resistance Down. Minor CD needed to mitigate.

  3. Cascade is heavy raidwide damage. This time, it also spawns 3 tornados around the arena and the Liquid Hand. Shortly after, 4 Jagds also spawn. While LL and Hand are alive, their HPs should be within 5% of each other. The clearing is North now.

    • MT takes LL CCW from the clearing, after Hand starts glowing.

    • OT takes Hand South or SE, depending on tornados, after Hand starts glowing.

    • Healers stay out of the middle, because of Jagd exhaust AoEs.

    • DPS go to their tornado/Jagd assignments, as shown. Being the first to hit a Jagd tethers it to you, so do that. North: Tannie, East: Shiroe, South: Yuki, West: Gust.

  4. Jagds should be fed to LL or Hand when they are below 25% percent health. They are not allowed to die. Only the tethered DPS should damage that Jagd.

    • The MT moves LL along the North edge once the North Jagd is ready to be fed.

    • DPS at tornados should bait the Proteans by being the closest players, twice, in the same direction. Second Protean is taking in the face.

    • Healers should heal suupsfast in between Jagd feedings.

  5. Sometime during this Embolus will spawn and start slowly moving towards a boss. Once it spawns, both tanks should definitely start moving as shown in the second picture here. If Embolus hits a boss or player, it instantly wipes the raid.

    • Tanks should be careful while moving, since the bosses continue to cleave.

  6. W and S Jagds can only be fed after sufficient heals after the first 2 Jagds have been fed. Feeds them to the hand in the middle.

  7. After all Jagds have been fed, everyone can come to the middle of the arena. Face LL and Hand towards the middle (S) tornado.

Pull the bosses from the middle to the areas shown in this diagram. Your 3 DPS should be baiting the Proteans from Liquid Rages while picking up their dolls. These players should bait the telegraph, dodge it, and then move back in to take the untelegraphed wave.
Red lines in this diagram represent possible Embolus travel lines. MT should move across the wall as soon as your north DPS is ready to feed their doll, which should be shortly after Embolus balls spawn. Be careful of cleaving the DPS. OT should move into the middle, and position themselves as shown, being careful not to cleave anywhere.
Light players can then move into max melee range while dark players populate the rear standing right next to the hitbox, to bait the second set.

Protean Wave

  1. Tanks and healers bait the first 4 waves by being the 4 closest players, with the DPS baiting the Circles at the rear (Max melee range). 1 wave will always go straight in front of LL, so don't be there.

    • From left to right: Mari, Tali, Ahmed, Tymo.

  2. Then the DPS will bait their waves towards the rear of the boss while tanks and healers go MMR or further from the boss.

    • From left to right: Tannie, Gust, Yuki, Shiroe.

  3. 2 tethers appear from 2 random tornados. These need to be picked up by the tanks, and they will explode in a small AoE around them.

    • The rest of the party should be away from that, as well as both tanks needing to be a bit apart.

    • At the same time, 6 splashes will go off (quick raidwide AoEs). Have heavy healing and mitigation ready.

2nd Cascade

Face the boss towards the open area. Assign 4 players to bait sluices and telegraphed Protean Rages from the Liquid Rages (dark colors in this diagram), while 4 other players stand near the boss's hitbox as shown to bait the first untelegraphed Protean Waves from Living Liquid. After the first set of untelegraphed Protean Waves from Living Liquid, have the two groups of players swap, so players who were hit by the first untelegraphed Protean Waves from Living Liquid will be hit by the Protean Waves from the Tornadoes. Make sure these players avoid the telegraphed Protean Waves from the tornadoes before moving in. Other players will move close to Living Liquid's hitbox to ensure they're targetted for Living Liquid's second ultelegraphed Protean Wave.

Note: As soon as the final Hand of Pain goes off, or as soon as the hand dips under 5%, you're free to ignore the hand completely and focus on DPSing Living Liquid. The hand itself does not have to die in order to move into the next phase, only Living Liquid.

Phase 2: Bruce Chustice


Phase 3: Alexander Prime

Phase 4: Perfect Alexander
