Eden's Verse: Refulgence
You know... like... shivering... SHUT UP IT'S FUNNYFight Length: 14:00 - 14:04
rDPS Requirement (Adds + Shiva): 90,400 - 90,700
rDPS Requirement (Shiva Only): 85,700 - 86,100
T1: Ahmed H1: Marielle M1: Tannie R1: Gust
T2: Tali H2: Tymo M2: Yuki R2: Shiroe
If a step says (remember), it means that you need to either remember the players targeted in that step or which of the random abilities the boss ended up casting, because it will be relevant later. It is usually not really essential though.
Phase 1: Warm-up
Absolute Zero is a heavy raidwide.
Mirror, Mirror 1 (Frost) assuming the boss is facing North. Depending on the ability Shiva casts next (remember):
Driving Frost hits behind Shiva making North safe.
Go North (1 waymark).
Go to the side of the 1 waymark further from the Red Mirror.
After the green mirrors trigger, go to the side of the 1 waymark closer to the Red Mirror.
Biting Frost hits in front and to the sides of Shiva.
Go South (3 waymark).
Go to the side of the 1 waymark closer to the Red Mirror.
After the green mirrors trigger, go to the side of the 1 waymark further from the Red Mirror.
Shiva will teleport to the middle for the next mechanic.
All mirrors reflect Ryne's next casted attack. They reflect by executing the attack as though Ryne is standing where the mirror is, facing into the arena (except for Driving Frost, which is reflected as though she is facing out).
Blue mirrors go off at the same time as the original cast finishes.
Green mirrors go off 5 seconds after the original cast finishes.
Red mirrors go off 10 seconds after the original cast finishes.
Diamond Frost
Icicle Impact circle AoEs will appear at either North and South or West and East (remember).
A Tank and Healer get a Freezing debuff. H1 Esunas the Healer, H2 Esunas the Tank.
A Tank, Healer and 2 DPS get marked with circle AoEs (remember). Those unmarked stack in the centre. Marked player positions:
Tank on A.
Healer on B.
M1/R1 on D. R1 adjusts to C if needed.
M2/R2 on C. R2 adjusts to D if needed.
Healers+M2+R2 and Tanks+M1+R1 stack North and South, respectively if step 1 of Diamond Frost was also North/South. Otherwise, Healers+M2+R2 East, Tanks+M1+R1 West. Touch the hitbox as knockback goes off.
Tank and Healer with Flare wait for the Flares to resolve before moving.
Tank without Heavy MTs and:
Faces the boss towards the center of the arena, if Mirror, Mirror 1 was Biting. Face the boss out immediately after she finishes Driving Frost.
Faces the boss out of the arena, if Mirror, Mirror 1 was Driving.
After the knockback everyone, except the MT, should make their way to the centre. New markers on DPS without Heavy appear, targetting them with 3 AoEs in a row. Take them out of the group (left/right when facing the centre of the arena):
M1/R2 to the left.
M2/R1 to the right (Caster is recommended to stay far from Boss to avoid Axe/Scythe Kick).
Double Slap is a tankbuster that should be invulned. Swap after.
Redress (Shining Armor) requires everyone to look away before Ryne raises her hands, when she says the word "Peace".
Axe Kick (out) or Scythe Kick (in) (remember). If the boss is not in the centre, Ranged players can be at max range and be safe from both.
Boss teleports to the centre for the next mechanic.
Light Rampant
Everyone pre-position on assigned markers (same as during Diamond Frost). That way the chain shape can be discerned quickly.
If you didn't get chain, move out of the puddle.
Go to the side of the boss where your tethered orb spawns. Inside the hotbox.
After the cones, go through the boss and to the marker to the right.
Evade the orb further to the East (B+C) or West (A+D) when it gets close.
Eat your tethered orb when it is small and far enough away from others.
If you're a ranged DPS, adjust to C/D if necessary, same as the start of Diamond Frost.
Check the chain shape.
Bowtie: Stay.
Box: A/D swap.
Hourglass: B/D swap.
Go into the puddle that spawns next to you, evading orbs.
Bait the cones as shown in the video (can go into the hitbox just to be sure).
Scythe Kick
(A) Tanks and Melee
(B) Healers and Ranged
Spread as shown in the slideshow, if needed.
Mirror, Mirror 2 (Kick)
Scythe Kick or Axe Kick (opposite of before). Different strats depending on which will come, which needs to be identified before the boss starts casting. This might be easier if the same tank is always MT for this mechanic (DRK?).
Scythe Kick
Before the cast: MT takes Ryne to the North/NW mirror.
In for the kick, then move to your assigned mirror.
Check the number of orbs above Ryne's head.
1 Orb: Everyone stays at assigned mirrors to resolve stack.
4 Orbs: Tanks and Ranged move in to spread circle AoEs.
Axe Kick
Everyone move out (doesn't matter which direction).
After the Kick resolves, everyone goes back into the centre.
Put the stacks in assigned positions after mirrors.
Check the number of orbs above Ryne's head.
1 Orb: Everyone stays at assigned positions to resolve stack.
4 Orbs: Healers and Ranged move clockwise and out to spread circle AoEs.
Axe Kick
(A) MT + R1
(B) OT + R2
(C) M2 + H2
(D) H1 + M1
Once Ryne become untargetable: split into a West and East group and Heal/Shield as preparation for what's next.
West: T2, H1, M1, R1 East: T1, H2, M2, R2
Phase 2: Shattered Worlds
In between waves (4 waves total), all players get hit for 50% of their HP. Healers in both group take the first tether so they are freed up for the rest of the phase.
Earthen Aether casts Stoneskin which can and should be Silenced.
Electric Aether casts Shock Spikes, making it reflect damage. Should be bursted down fast, or finished off by a Tank with mitigation if Shock Spikes finishes casting.
Aqueous Aether has a lot of HP, but can be stunned to slow its progression. If you have to, let one of these go.
Tether Orbs are stationary and the tether must be grabbed by an assigned player each wave. It hits with one AoE on the tethered player, which applies a VulnUp.
Each failure to handle an add or mechanic correctly will add 25 to the Flood of Light gauge.
If the gauge fills, the party will wipe.
If the gauge is empty at the end of the phase, a Damage Up buff will be awarded to the party.
Parties are fixed, so only memorise one of the following strats.
West Party
Tethers: Healer -> Ranged -> Tank -> MeleeAqueous x1, Electric x2
Tank and Ranged start to burst the Electrics first, before the Aqueous.
The Melee should focus and stun the Aqueous.
The Healer takes the tether.
Earthen x1
Tank interrupts the Earthen Stoneskin and stays on it.
The rest should finish off the Aqueous from the last wave, before killing this Earthen Aether.
Ranged takes the tether.
Aqueous x1, Earthen x1
The Tank goes to stun the new Aqueous and then goes to take the tether straight after. After the tether, the tank should assist killing the Aqueous.
The melee should focus the Aqueous the whole time.
The Ranged and Healer kill the Earthen. Ranged interrupts Stoneskin.
Electric x2
The melee will take the tether after bursting the Electric Aether with the rest of the party.
East Party
Tethers: Healer -> Melee -> Tank -> RangedAqueous x1, Earthen x1
The Tank targets the Aqueous and stuns it when it starts moving.
Melee focusses the Aqueous.
The Ranged and Healer kill the Earthen. Ranged interrupts Stoneskin, while Healer takes the tether.
Electric x2
Melee DPSs the Electrics, then takes the tether.
With everyone focussing them down, they should die very quickly, so the Melee might not even lose uptime.
Aqueous x1, Electric x2
Everyone bursts down the Electrics.
The Tank then takes the tether. Stun the Aqueous before or after tether if possible.
The rest focusses the Aqueous Aether. Stun movement if possible.
Earthen x1
Tank interrupts the Earthen Stoneskin and stays on it.
Everyone finishes off the Aqueous Aether from last wave, before killing the Earthen Aether.
Ranged takes the tether.
Phase 3: Hallowed Wings
Bursts should line up at the start here, and if we did the adds correctly, we got a damage buff from that too, so go ham!
Tanks need to be 1st and 2nd in aggro starting now.
Akh Morn is a dual stack mechanic. Split into W and E groups to soak at Ryne's sides.
Morn Afah is a shared buster on the MT, but this one should be invulned.
Mirror, Mirror 3 (Single Wings)
Check the glowing wing. Go to the other side of Ryne.
Check if the Blue Mirror is on the same side as the glowing wing.
Same side: The quadrant at Ryne's rear is safe.
Different side: The quadrant at Ryne's front is safe.
Check if Ryne is facing North or South.
North: Dodge diagonally through her after her first cast.
South: Dodge diagonally through her after the Green reflection (second hit).
Sm0ll pp strat: If Blue is West, dodge clockwise twice. Otherwise dodge counter-clockwise twice.
Wyrm's Lament 1
Tanks and healers receive a red debuff with differing times (13, 22, 30 and 38 seconds), while DPS receive a blue debuff (20, 28, 36, 44 seconds).
A dragon head will spawn at North and start moving clockwise or counter-clockwise after. The steps below assume clockwise, while the slideshow assumes counter-clockwise, indicating the difference.
The Red13 player cleanses their debuff by touching the Head at 1, leaving behind a puddle.
After the Hallowed Wing cast, the Blue20 player cleanses their debuff in the puddle at 1, while the Red22 cleanses at the Head at 2.
Red30 cleanses at 3 and after the next Hallowed Wing cast, Blue28 cleanses in the puddle at 2.
After the 3rd Hallowed Wing cast, the Blue36 player cleanses their debuff in the puddle at 3, while the Red38 cleanses at the Head at 4.
After the final Hallowed Wing cast, Blue44 cleanses at 4.
Everyone stack in the centre for Redress.
Do not move until the Ice from Redress has disappeared.
Move front/side, then back for Twin Silence. Move back then front/sides for Twin Stillness. See image for reference.
Double Slap should not be invulned. Use mitigation and Feint.
For Redress (Drachen), everyone stack at C.
Then, away from C once her form flashes (end of Redress animation).
Mirror, Mirror 4 (Double Wings)
Stand behind the boss to dodge Double Hallowed Wings after she jumps to North or South.
Go to the Red Mirror once the initial attack by Shiva is over.
Line up as shown in slide 3. It's important T2 is closest to the Green Mirror, while T1 is 5th in line. West group from adds is behind T2, East group behind T1.
Use knockback immunity at 75% of the Green castbar. Later = death, earlier is okay.
Mitigation is needed for both reflected attacks. Especially for T2 now.
Tanks reposition such that T2 is now 5th in line for Red. T1 should be closest to Red and use self-mitigation for the next reflection. The rest stays put as shown.
The Red Mirror reflection might knock some people back that used their knockback immunity slightly early, but that is fine because of the pre-positioning done.
Mirror, Mirror 5 (Shining)
Once the new mirrors spawn, pull the boss to the closest Blue Mirror (2 spawn either North/South or East/West). Healers/Casters/Ranged can go to the opposite Blue Mirror for possibly reduced movement later.
Look away from Ryne and both Blue Mirrors for Redress. The 2 Blue Mirrors always spawn opposite each other, so standing perpendicular and looking away is safe.
Look out of the arena where the closest Blue Mirror (to you) used to be for the Green Reflections.
The Red Reflections go off at roughly the same time as Holy. Holy can be true or fake, indicated by respectively 1 or 4 orbs above Ryne's head again. Because of pre-positioning, you don't have to locate the Red Mirrors.
1 Orb means true Holy: Go to the edge of the arena and look out of the arena.
4 Orbs means fake Holy: Go to the exact centre of the arena and face Ryne.
Move In/Out for Embittered Dance, or Out/In for Spiteful Dance. Both can be outranged, same as during Diamond Frost, with some players possibly already being far from Ryne. This is useful for all combinations except for Fake Holy followed by Embittered Dance, I suspect.
Mirror, Mirror 6 (Drachen)
Perform Redress (Drachen) by stacking at the left and right of Ryne (according to add groups).
Both groups rotate 90° clockwise around Ryne when her form flashes to evade Akh Rai.
Both groups rotate clockwise again once the castbar of the Mirror completes.
Both groups stay where they are to resolve Akh Morn.
Everyone stacks on the caster (left of Ryne) to resolve Morn Afah.
Ryne will teleport to the centre for the next mechanic.
Icelit Dragonsong
Spread around the boss in protean positions as shown.
Soak Puddle. Use self-mitigation before being frozen.
Soak new puddle in the centre. Watch Ryne's Orbs during.
1 Orb: Stay stacked in centre puddle after soak.
4 Orbs: Go back to N/S after soak.
Soak 3rd puddle only if you have 2 stacks of the Light Debuff. 3 stacks = stay out.
Assume protean position again. South Tank will want to be MT by the end.
Spread around the boss in protean positions as shown.
Esuna only the DPS, not the Tanks.
Soak Puddle.
Get knocked back to 2/4 and soak the new puddle there.
Go back to the middle after star AoEs and puddle soak, enter the centre puddle if at 2 Light Debuff stacks. 3 stacks = stay out.
Assume protean position again.
Drop AoEs at assigned inter-cardinal, on the outer circle.
DPS head back to the boss and prepare to be knocked back North/South depending on their assigned position. All DPS are Heavied, so Sprint and gap closers are useful here.
After being knocked back, stand in the waymark there to dodge the star AoEs.
Dodge the triple AoE on self, same as during the end of Diamond Frost.
Go in centre puddle if at 2 stacks of Light Debuff, out otherwise.
Assume protean position again.
Mirror, Mirror 7 (Thin Ice)
Take the boss South.
Everyone is close to South edge for first Thin Ice cast (not needed to be all the way at the edge yet, so positionals may still be possible). Do not move during Thin Ice.
When the first Thin Ice is gone everyone must go to the South edge.
During Redress, the Red Mirror is reflecting Thin Ice. As soon as Ryne's form flashes / the floor flashes, everyone should slide straight North. After sliding, don't move until the ice is gone. Gap closers do work though.
Wyrm's Lament 2
Two dragonheads spawn this time and the red and blue debuffs come in sets of 2 this time. Tanks and Healers get the short red and blue debuffs respectively, while the DPS get the longer version of both.
If both DPS at one side have the same colour debuff, R1 and R2 switch sides.
Tanks should both have invulns to take the 2 Morn Afahs solo.
Stack in West and East groups at Ryne's sides to resolve double Akh Morn.
After the Akh Morn has hit 5 times, the tanks touch the heads at their side (at 2 or 4). You can touch them before they get to the waymark, sooner is actually better. After touching the heads:
The MT should take a detour North to get to the boss without hitting anybody else with the Morn Afah targeting them. Use invuln.
The OT can just go back to their group immediately. Provoke during the Morn Afah cast.
Healers can cleanse at the puddles at their side (at 2 or 4) right after the dragonhead explosions, without getting too close to the MT, just in case.
Akh Morn will hit again, resolve this in the same spots as before. Healers should get back to their groups fast after cleansing.
After the Akh Morn has hit 6 times:
The red DPS can touch the dragonhead at their side (at 2 or 4) and go back to their group afterwards. You can touch them before they get to the waymark, sooner is actually better.
The blue DPS can cleanse at the puddles at their side (at 2 or 4) right after the dragonhead explosions and get back to their groups again quick.
The new MT should Invuln the Morn Afah at North of the Boss.
A third Akh Morn will damage the 2 groups for 7 hits. Resolve in the same positions again.
Resolve the final Morn Afah by all stacking together on the caster.
Everyone should get behind Ryne for the Hallowed Wings cast.
MT stands in front of Ryne right after the cast to make sure she doesn't turn.
You have until the Mirrors reflect the Hallowed Wings to end her.
Role Specific Tips
Thanks to Lyra Rose, quoted from her Eden’s Verse - Refulgence (Savage) Raid Strategy Guide on The Balance. Tank
Make sure your positioning for Shiva is consistent, and ensure that she is moved promptly for mechanics such as Reflected Biting/Driving Frost and Reflected Shining Armor.
Your healers and ranged will love you if you turn the boss to the correct orientation to dodge Biting/Driving Frost after Diamond Frost - orient her such that the middle is safe.
Reprisal should be used for heavy or moderate AoE casts such as Absolute Zero, Morn Afah, Akh Morn, The Path of Light, Light Rampant, etc.
Tank shields should be used for heavy damage, such as Frigid Water, Holy, Reflected Hallowed Wings (both wings), Morn Afah, and Akh Morn.
There is not a lot of consistent tank damage throughout the fight, so it’s imperative you stack cooldowns or use invulns for tank busters such as Reflected Hallowed Wings (both wings), Double Slap, and Banish.
During adds phase, use tank shields and cooldowns as you will be taking extra damage and be harder to heal. This is because you have a higher HP pool for the 50% damage, and will likely be finishing off Electric Aethers.
After adds phase, ensure that both tanks remain #1 and #2 on aggro.
Incoming AoE damage is extremely high in this fight. Mitigate for all sources of heavy AoE damage and top up accordingly.
Diamond Frost, Light Rampant, Banish III, Akh Morns and Morn Afahs, Reflected Hallowed Wings (both wings), Holy, Icelit Dragonsong, and second Wyrm’s Lament 2 are all periods that require heavy mitigation and healing.
Tanks do not take a lot of single target damage past phase one, and any auto damage they take can be easily healed up through oGCDs.
It is possible to Rescue stunned players out of AoEs if it is timed properly.
During adds phase, make sure to top up players between each wave and heal the player taking the tether each wave. In addition, save emergency heals for players who damage the Electric Aether when the buff is up.
Coordinate a healing and mitigation plan for Wyrm’s Lament 2, as that is the most healing intensive part of the fight.
Use Feint for auto attacks and Double Slap, Addle for any instances of heavy raidwide damage, and ranged mitigation for periods of heavy damage.
This is a three effective potion fight - opener, reopener when returning from adds, and at the end of the fight after Wyrm’s Lament.
DPS buff coordination is extremely important in order to beat the DPS check. Coordinate usages of 2m CDs such as Technical Step, Chain Stratagem, and Divination, as well as 3m CDs such as Devotion, Battle Voice, and Battle Litany. Make sure everyone knows when CDs are going up.
It is much easier to clear with a safe deathless run than a run with deaths - the DPS check is extremely tight.
During the adds phase, let tanks finish off the Electric Aether. Melee should be focusing the Aqueous Aether, and ranged should be bursting Electric/Earthen Aether, then putting out consistent damage on the Aqueous Aether.
Bait AoEs out before heading in during Diamond Frost and Icelit Dragonsong.
Coordinate which DPS will be switching groups for Wyrm’s Lament 2 if two DPS in the same group have the same debuff.
P1 ends at ~3:20. 90s and 180s cooldowns should be used ASAP in the opener and 90s such that they are back up before adds phase.