Eden's Verse: Furor
The Heritors of Fury
Fight Length: 10:23-10:26
rDPS Requirement: 83,700-84,200
T1: Ahmed H1: Marielle M1: Tannie R1: Gust
T2: Tali H2: Tymo M2: Yuki R2: Shiroe
Assigned waymarks (inter-cardinals)
A (NW): H1+R1 B (NE): T1+R2
D (SW): T2+M1 C (SE): H2+M2
Garuda || Ifrit
Superstorm is a heavy raidwide.
Occluded Front spawns 2 wind orbs. These will cast a line AoE later.
Storm of Fury tethers the 4 DPS to Garuda.
Each should aim their tether at their assigned waymark.
The tether may not be hit by the line AoEs of the Occluded Front orbs.
Tanks and healers just need to make sure they're not hit by more than one cone AoE.
Air Bump targets the tanks and healers.
They should be resolved on the assigned inter-cardinals.
Leave room in the centre for melee to dodge to afterwards.
DPS stack with their partners.
Ferostorm marks the centre of the arena for a knockback.
Use knockback prevention.
Air Bump happens straight after. Pre-position at assigned inter-cardinals.
Vacuum Slice splits the arena vertically or horizontally.
DPS need to be on the side with their assigned waymark and preposition near them.
Tanks and healers can go where they want, though split healers might be prefered.
Dodge the Occluded Front orbs, while the orbs and the players are pulled towards the centre.
Side with 3 orbs: In between the orbs is safe.
Side with 4 orbs: The far outer edges are safe as those orbs will disappear in the vacuum.
At the same time, DPS need to handle their Storm of Fury by being in the safe spots closest to their waymark.
Ferostorm happens immediately after.
Avoid the Touchdown proximity marker.
T2 picks up Ifrit immediately and moves him to the centre.
T1 provokes during Hand of Flame.
Dodge Eruption.
Invuln Instant Incineration, then move away from Meteor Strike (which hits where the tank was).
Inferno Howl is a raidwide.
Hands of Hell quadruply tethers a tank or healer.
Each tank and healer needs to take one tether.
They need to move towards their inter-cardinal and out of the middle once the castbar finishes (important later, can improvise in this phase).
DPS may not pick up a tether.
Everyone to the middle to dodge Eruptions after the tethers.
Strike Spark summons 8 fire orbs around the edge of the arena.
Stack in the centre to bait Eruptions.
Ifrit spawns multiple clones that will kick the orbs. Look for the area that will not have an orb after the kicks.
Once Eruptions appear, move to the safe spot.
Move the boss back to the middle.
Hands of Hell quadruply tethers a DPS this time.
Each DPS needs to take one tether.
They need to move towards their inter-cardinal and out of the middle once the castbar finishes (important later, can improvise in this phase).
Tanks and healers may not pick up a tether.
Everyone to the middle to dodge Eruptions after the tethers.
Another Hand of Flame -> Instant Incineration -> Meteor Strike.
T2 provokes during Hand of Flame.
T2 mitigates Instant Incineration.
M1 uses Feint on Instant Incineration.
Garuda && Ifrit
A and D stand near Ifrit, B and C near Garuda. Everyone then gets the correct debuffs to attack the right boss.
Ifrit should be taken to A, facing out. Garuda can stay where she is, until she jumps.
T2 should invuln the Hand of Flame -> Instant Incineration -> Meteor Strike combo.
Once Garuda jumps, she'll do Vacuum Slice. Everyone should be on the A side, so either North or West.
Bait the Eruptions near Garuda in the centre, before moving to a safe spot. Note that an Ifrit clone will be kicking an orb. Out of the usual safe spots, the one away from the clone should be the safest.
Ferostorm happens quickly thereafter.
Firestorm is a heavy readywide. It can't be Debuffed, but Buffs and shield will definitely be desired.
Bring the boss to the middle.
Hands of Hell on T+H. Handle the same as during Ifrit. The spot where the boss was while casting is always the safe spot afterwards. Keep it free of Eruptions!
Hands of Hell on DPS.
Inferno Howl is still a raidwide.
Air Bump happens with Ferostorm following quickly after.
MT should face the boss towards B before it starts casting.
Everyone handles Air Bump in their usual spots.
Dodge Ferostorm after Air Bump. By facing the boss to B, this should be equally easy for all pairs.
Strike Spark followed immediately by a Hand of Flame -> Instant Incineration combo. Swap during the Hand of Flame cast and CD Instant Incineration (Feint as well). Hand of Flame now also creates the side AoEs, like Hands of Hell at the start of this phase.
Knockback immunities can be used on the centre blue knockback AoE.
Conflag Strike
Tanks+Healers stack in the West safe spot. DPS stack in the East safe spot.
Healers note which Tanks they're tethered to. DPS note if they are tethered to the caster (marked 4). Tanks note the Air Orb positions.
Line AoEs.
There will be 3 sets of line AoEs on the DPS.
DPS will bait them East, West, East, inside the boss hitbox.
They will end up West after the last dodge.
Blaze from the Tornadoes.
Hits Tanks 5 times. T1 invulns after the first hit, T2 CDs through them.
Healers must not be closer to the tornadoes than the tanks, since the closest player will get hit by Blaze.
Healers must be close enough to their tank, so that their tether doesn't hurt, but not too close to get hit by Blaze.
Air Bump targets 1 player of each tethered pair. At the same time, the boss has a large donut AoE on him.
Tank and Healer at North take their Air Bump at North inside the donut.
Tank and Healer at South take their Air Bump at South.
DPS4 and their partner stack West.
Other 2 DPS stack East.
Post Conflag
During this part, the boss should be in the middle the entire time. Every time he jumps, he needs to be brought back to the middle ASAP.
Place the first Air Bumps close to the middle.
Dodge out to assigned inter-cardinals.
Inferno Howl.
TankHeal Hands of Hell. On the marks, without breaking tethers on line AoEs.
DPS Hands of Hell + Air Bump. Everyone to their assigned markers, after tethers have been passed to all DPS. DPS stay in the AoE after Air Bump, waiting to go to the middle after the tethers resolve as well.
Hand of Flame -> Instant Incineration -> Meteor Strike combo can be invulned by T2.
2x Ferostorm (alternating).
Knockback from North.
Conflag Strike (Enrage).
Role Specific Tips
Thanks to Lyra Rose, quoted from her Eden’s Verse - Furor (Savage) Raid Strategy Guide on The Balance.Tanks
Keep the boss in the centre, unless it needs to move for a mechanic, such as Knockback, Hands of Flame, Strike Spark, etc.
Mitigate Instant Incineration accordingly. This deals extremely heavy damage and tanks require at least two cooldowns.
Make sure to use heavy mitigation for Blaze. It is a good spot for invulnerabilities.
Party mitigation should be used for periods of heavy damage or to save the party during Strike Spark and Occluded Front (orbs). Reprisal AoEs such as Inferno Howl and Superstorm.
There is a lot of incoming AoE damage, so mitigate and heal accordingly.
Mechanics such as Occluded Front (orbs) and Strike Spark can be survived, even if players get hit by a mechanic, if everyone is topped and has shields. It’s a good idea to make sure people survive, even if they mess up during progression.
The healer with the Hands of Hell tether should not go very far from the boss to ensure melee get uptime. The other healer should go far away to increase the size of the safe spot.
Be a bit further out if you have Air Bump, as that allows everyone to have a safe spot inside the boss. This is extremely relevant when Ferostorm follows the Air Bump.
Make sure you DO NOT break your tether for Storm of Fury via putting it through Occluded Front (line AoE). It will go onto another random party member and potentially kill them.
Use mitigation accordingly: Addle and ranged mitigation on raidwides, and Feint on Instant Incineration.
DPS can pick which boss they can damage during the split phase. Ideally, melee are on Ifrit and ranged are on Garuda, as Ifrit is preferred for melee uptime. Garuda does not move from the centre until after.
/waymark preset 3
《Tethers》 | 《Hands of Flame》
| 1st Set (orth):
| 2nd Set (outh):
★ | 《Conflag》
| :
| :
《Tornado Bait》
: orth | : outh
: astestx2 (across, on the hitbox)
《Conflag Stack》
★ (+ stay est)
/mk attack4 <7>
The waymark preset number and 4-mark target depend on the player and their settings.
The 4-mark is to indicate the caster that takes Air Bump at West (near 4 waymark) during Conflag Strike.
Party Finder Description
Hands of Flame: TH North, DPS South.
Conflag: TH West, DPS East & Across. Anchor 4 Caster West.